atomi x hasami

Purchase Hasami Porcelain at Atomi boutique

At atomi, you can buy the exclusive Hasami Porcelain, which is only available in Singapore stores. We offer an extensive collection of Hasami tableware, including cups, plates, mugs, and coffee drippers in various sizes. This traditional yet modern design is perfect for everyday use and would make an excellent gift for a loved one. Please visit our store at #04-27 Mandarin Gallery to experience the beauty of Hasami Porcelain. We would be happy to help you select the best tableware that suits your needs.

About Hasami Porcelain

We are thrilled to introduce atomi x Hasami, a highly esteemed Japanese ceramic brand renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship. This brand takes great pride in its team of skilled artisans, each of whom specializes in a particular task, such as shaping, moulding, glazing, and firing. As a result, Hasami maintains an exceptional level of quality across all of its products. At atomi, we are delighted to showcase a range of Hasami products that embody the principles of design, luxury, and simplicity.

Hasami Ceramics is a brand that specializes in crafting ceramics and is located in the town of Hasami in Nagasaki Prefecture. Although it was a well-hidden gem until recently, it has now gained recognition as a high-quality product. The division of labour ensures that each process is carried out efficiently and effectively, resulting in ceramics that are valued for their durability and aesthetic appeal.

Complex production systems can be challenging to communicate and require significant financial and temporal resources when developing new products. However, for Hasami ceramics, these systems have provided craftsmen with opportunities to refine their skills and improve efficiency. The Hasami brand is committed to preserving local traditions while breaking down inherent barriers to specialized labor, resulting in practical ceramic tools. Our objective is to design tools that offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal, that are a pleasure to use, and are durable.

日本有数の窯業の盛んな地、長崎県波佐見町。この地で約400年前の江戸時代につくられはじめた磁器は、当時から日本各地はもとより、長崎港を経てヨーロッパへも出荷された。早くから量産体制が整えられたため、日用の食器としての確かな質と価格を実現したことが知られている。豊かな伝統は、現代まで脈々と受け継がれてきた。HASAMI PORCELAINは、篠本拓宏のディレクションにより、こうした遺産を現代のコンセプトで革新するテーブルウェアとして生まれた。