
Copper Ice-Cream Spoon


Yet another innovative Japanese creation. These beautiful ice cream spoons and butter knives made of copper are able to cut through the ice without heating the cutlery. Copper has excellent thermal conductivity, therefore it transfers the heat from your hand to the tip of the cutlery in a matter of seconds!

Made of copper, plated with sterling gold or silver. Comes in a set of 2. 

「COPPER the cutlery」カパーザカトラリーは、手のぬくもりをダイレクトに伝える熱伝導率の高い銅素材に、金と銀の仕上げにこだわった、機能性と素材感がある正統派のアイスクリームスプーンとバターナイフのブランドです

L13.6 cm


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